Did you see my last post?
Did I really post that disaster for the world to see?
What a slob!! A crafting hoarder, a stuffer,
I think I had a case of clutter blindness!!
OK, I am out of excuses so I will just say "I'm healed"!
I wanted a pretty, organized, space of craft ability, so I put my head to the grindstone! I gathered up all those hours of HGTV swimming around in the dark and dusty place of my brain and turned this frown upside down!!
So without further delay ( because adieu is just weird)*
Before: (Sickness still present)
During: (Healing taking shape)
A brief moment of panic:
Who did this to me???
I blame the meds! |
They say it gets worse before it gets better!
Now for the healing moment the doctors are so proud of:

Can you hear the angels singing?
I feel free, redeemed, restored !
Those dust bunny's are bagged and tagged!
(I still hear the choir of angels)
So now that I went through all of my retired stamp sets its time to have: a big blow out sale!
I'm practically going to give these goodies away!
When: Monday Aug 8th 9:am to 11:am ( Back to school day)
Open house/new catalog pick up only $6 for the new one!
Treats, give aways and a drawing too!
Save the date Monday Aug 15th & Thursday Aug 18th
Stampin class will be back in session stay tuned for photos soon!
Love and Blessings Julie!
Apr 23, 2011 ... Re: Without further adieu. The clichéd expression is without further ado : without any further fuss or delay ado : pronounced as uhDO ... |